Handmade Prints for Home
Original lino prints on handcrafted botanically infused papers
Original lino prints on handcrafted botanically infused papers
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Each print I make has deep connection to both my own process loving nature and the wild living world of nature. All is interconnected.
My work is a physical and spiritual, visual and tactile conversation between us all - human, plant, animal, element, soil, space and story.
To create in this slow and deeply process orientated way I am creating space and experience for myself as an artist to connect. My wish is that by creating these artworks for you to adopt into your own spaces, that they continue to speak of their growth in both garden and wild, speak of their inherent medicines and powers, and remind us that we are all one.
The growing and gathering of plants as food, medicine
and colour is central to my practice.
Harvesting and preserving for paper making offer a constant conduit of connection to life and my inspiration.
Making my own papers has allowed me to utilse local materials that
otherwise go to waste. Infusing them with plants for texture and colour imbue what might otherwise be forgotten with new life.
Every new sheet I pull from the drying box is like a
new dawn - full of beauty and possibility.
All my prints are carved into biodegradable silk cut lino
using swiss made Pfeil chisels. A deeply medititive and intricate process.
I press each print by hand using a glass barren. This process requires strength and focus to acheive the result I am after.
Peeling back a fresh print of a newly carved block has got to be the definition of deep satisfaction as a printmaker. Apart from drying the print, the process is now complete.